Monday 28 February 2011

nothing is original...

I've been thinking about this for three & a half days now. You see I've had this idea in my head, for quite some time now. I've drawn it, visualised it, fiddled about with a pattern for it, dreamt up fabric combinations for it... but I haven't made it... yet. Friday morning a tear came to my eye, for I came across a blog & there infront of my very eyes was my idea. A rough draft, but executed in a similar fashion to my design.
Aaargh, what do I do? If I still make mine, am I copying? But if I don't make it then am I shutting myself down?
It's not an original concept & I understand that many people dream the same dreams. If this person were on the other side of the world, there may not be a problem. But this lovely lass is in Melbourne & more than likely sells at markets that I would like to sell at.
I'm positive that the end products will look completely different, as we both have our own style & fabric choice, etc.
I just feel a little funny about it.
So my crafty friends... has this ever happened to you? What would you do?
Just now, after googling this quote to find a link for it, I rediscovered a post by Kylie that I had read before. It's worth reading through the comments for everyone's thoughts.
I hope your week is full of inspiration.


Kristi said...

it is interesting isn't it how our thoughts are all intertwined. if you know in your heart this is your idea then it is yours for the making.

ps. thank you for your gentle words over on my little blog.

Anonymous said...

Hello. I came over from Kristi's blog. The title of your post is perfect. Nothing is truly original. I have struggled with this with photography. Should I be looking at other photographers work or am I then copying them? Thing is, if you have an idea in your head, you should do it. So what if someone thinks you copied? You know that it's something you had to do.

CurlyPops said...

I agree with Kristi. Maybe give your design a go and just see what happens? You may end up changing it and making it completely different?

Kate said...

I was gonna say what Cam said.
It is so hard in blogland not be influeneced and influenece. I feel like I've dealt with both sides at times. I hope we get to see your version. X