Sunday 4 March 2012


Up and about early again, Huckle and I trotted off to Camberwell Market in search in treasures. We came across a pair of ginormouscous bolt cutters, five greyhounds (unfortunately not for sale) and the cheeky band Rapskallion. We paused to enjoy their crazy gypsy music and laugh at their silly antics.
I scored a set of oil can drawers to be incorporated into an Ironwood and Eaglesmith piece.
Huckle scored a couple of cars. Just two, one for each hand. He is quite rapt with the mustang, as it's the same as Uncle Simon's. 
The afternoon was spent making our way home. We picked up thirty-odd lengths of hardwood flooring, only to discover that five metre lengths made our trailer jump about like a fish out of water, which then caused the car to steer like a boat. 
Hmmm, yes. No good at all. Especially not for the hours drive we had ahead of us. A quick stop at bunnings bought us a saw, some can-do attitude and a trailer load of thirty-odd four metre lengths. Hurrah! Let's not mention the four chairs and numerous other timber and steel we already had in the trailer.
So now Sunday is almost gone and I'm quite ready for bed and a nice slow day tomorrow. 

How was your weekend? 
Was it crazy busy too, or did you relax?
I do hope it was the latter.

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